What we do

We ensure quality and inclusive education.

We provide educational aid, build and equip schools, and provide standard ICT and tech labs along with internet facilities. We facilitate learning in a carbon-free environment by ensuring that classrooms and labs are solar-powered. We also offer scholarships to ensure that no one is left uneducated.


We provide scholarships to students to encourage participation in school. Our aim is to reduce significantly the number of out-of-school kids globally.

We Promote Inclusive Education

This ensures that everyone, irrespective of religion, tribe or gender enjoys quality education.

We Educate & Train

We organize programs to educate and train people in specialized and in-demand programs such as Tech/ICT and vocational skills.


We build schools with standard classrooms in a conducive environment and provide adequate educational aid to ensure that students are taught under the best conditions for learning.


We provide scholarships to students to encourage participation in school. Our aim is to reduce significantly the number of out-of-school kids globally.

We Promote Inclusive Education

This ensures that everyone, irrespective of religion, tribe or gender enjoys quality education.

We Educate & Train

We organize programs to educate and train people in specialized and in-demand programs such as Tech/ICT and vocational skills.

What we care about:

Scholarships for Children

We have provided scholarships to students in rural areas in Africa to enable them get access to quality learning and education.

ICT and Tech

In a world rapidly evolving, we ensure the provision of ICT/Tech facilities to help keep up with the modern world.

ICT and Tech

In a world rapidly evolving, we ensure the provision of ICT/Tech facilities to help keep up with the modern world.

Girl Child Education

Our inclusive education policy ensures that the girl child enjoys equal educational opportunities to stand out.